Every Part of Your Life Can be Improved With Kangen Water

Discover how Kangen Water is much more than just a great healthy water to drink. There are so many ways using the right pH water, can replace toxic chemical laden products from your home, your foods, your family and your pets.


Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Enzyme Factor Recommends Kangen Water

This is a short and succinct validation of Kangen Water, by the World Renowned Gastroenterologist, Dr Hiromi Shenya. M.D.
Dr Hiromi Shenya. M.D., the Inventor of the Colonoscope and Colonoscopic Snare that is used worldwide, speaks on "Kangen Water"™ in his best selling book, "The Enzyme Factor." In his book, he states succinctly and unequivocally that he is able to report clinical results of a "0% cancer recurrance rate.“ He says: "None of my patients have to face cancer again.”  He has done over 300,000 colonoscopic procedures. Click here to see his before and after videos, after using Kangen Water for 90 days.
Dr. Hiromi Shenya, M.D. specifically refers to and recommends Kangen Water.™ (at page 94). He concludes his book with this statement: "Kangen Water™ is alkaline rich water (pH 8-9), and is considered the very best drinking water because of it's incomparable powers of hydration, detoxification, and anti-oxidation." (Page 159)
Only one alkaline water ionizer in the world manufactures the internationally trademarked "Kangen Water"...That is the Enagic Water Ionizer.
An excerpt from the Front Cover states: "A Diet For The Future that will prevent heart disease, cure cancer, stop type 2 diabetes." 

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Healthy St. Augustine Carpet Grass

Healthy Carpet Grass in San Antonio Texas can take a lot of water in the summer time.  Often home owners put their sprinklers on hours at a time, using hundreds of gallons just to keep this grass from getting parched in the hot Texas sun.  It is possible to have a soft thick pad of St Augustine with out turning on the sprinkler a single time during the summer.  In fact, you can water your grass with 3 to 5 gallons a day!

Capture All By-Product Water
Capture all the by-product water, that comes out the gray hose, when you are making drinking water from your ionizer.  The water that comes out the gray hose is acidic water with a pH of about 4.5 (acidic).  Most plants love this water.  More importantly, this water is micro-clustered like the alkaline water, which means this water has superior cellular hydrating capabilities.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Healthiest Potted Plants with Kangen By-Product Water

The Healthiest Looking Plants You Have Ever Seen!

"As you know when you make any water with your Enagic Ionizer water comes out of two hoses.  The top hose and the bottom hose which makes a by-product that many people just let go down the drain.  When making drinking water (8.5 pH, 9.0  pH, 9.5 pH) you can capture all the by product water out of the gray hose into watering pales or other containers and use it to water your potted plants around the house."

Plants love slightly acidic water.  The by-product water is ionized too, so it is also micro-clustered.  What does that mean?  Basically it means that this water will hydrate your plants at a cellular level, just like the Alkaline water does to you body.

Friday, July 16, 2010

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testing one two three

This is a test to see how a separate post looks on the blog
